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Nueces VA

General Contractor: Tierra Lease Service

Scope of Work: Guardrail removal and replacement, riprap mowstrip.

Owner: Texas Department of Transportation

Contract Amount:  $271, 794

Areas of Work: Alice, TX, Kingsville, TX, Three Rivers, TX, Refugio, TX, Corpus Christi, TX.

Status: Completed

Nueces FM 665

General Contractor: CK Newberry

Scope of Work: Remove concrete structures.  Cast in place safety end treatments. 

Owner: Texas Department of Transportation

Contract Amount:  $169,004

Areas of Work: Alice, TX

Status: Completed

La Salle IH 35

General Contractor: CK Newberry

Scope of Work: Culvert box extensions, concrete parallel walls, guardrail removal and replacement, concrete riprap, precast inlet installation, reinforced concrete pipe install, concrete driveways. 

Owner: Texas Department of Transportation

Contract Amount:  $1,198,173

Areas of Work: Artesia Wells, TX

Status: Ongoing


General Contractor: CK Newberry

Scope of Work: RCP Installation, Precast SET, WW, Grate Inlet and Saddle Inlet Installation.

Owner: Texas Department of Transportation

Contract Amount:  $648,924

Areas of Work: Taft, TX

Status: Ongoing


General Contractor: CK Newberry

Scope of Work: CMP & RCP Installation, Precast Box Culvert Installation, Cast in Place Safety End Treatments, Concrete Riprap.

Owner: Reeves County.

Contract Amount:  $305,825

Areas of Work: Pecos, TX

Status: Completed


General Contractor: CK Newberry

Scope of Work: CMP Installation, Cast in Place Safety End Treatments, Concrete Riprap.

Owner: Karnes County.

Contract Amount:  $210,110

Areas of Work: Runge, TX

Status: Completed


General Contractor: J. Carroll Weaver

Scope of Work: RCP Installation, Concrete cast in place parallel walls, Concrete Riprap, concrete curb and gutter.

Owner: TXDOT

Contract Amount:  $123,332

Location: Artesia Wells, TX

Status: Completed


General Contractor: J. Carroll Weaver

Scope of Work: RCP Installation, Concrete cast in place parallel walls, Concrete Riprap.

Owner: TXDOT

Contract Amount:  $668,266

Location: Goliad, TX

Status: Ongoing


General Contractor: J. Carroll Weaver

Scope of Work: Concrete Riprap Mowstrip.

Owner: TXDOT

Contract Amount:  $617,112

Location: Cotulla, TX

Status: Ongoing


General Contractor: Hunter Industries

Scope of Work: Concrete Riprap Mowstrip, Rail repair, Bridge Joint Sealing

Owner: TXDOT

Contract Amount:  $91,475

Location: Langtry, TX

Status: Completed


General Contractor: Hunter Industries

Scope of Work: Concrete Riprap Mowstrip

Owner: TXDOT

Contract Amount:  $612,720

Location: Crystal City, TX, Carrizo Springs, TX, LaPryor, TX.

Status: Ongoing

Williamson FM 971


General Contractor: Jordan Foster Construction


Scope of Work: Box Culvert extensions, RCP installation, concrete driveways, concrete riprap.


Owner: TXDOT


Contract Amount:  $730,001


Location: Granger, TX


Status: Ongoing

Nolan FM 608
General Contractor: Boentke Brothers Construction

Scope of Work: Storm sewer improvements and guardrail installation.


Owner: TXDOT


Contract Amount:  $525,769


Location: Roscoe, TX


Status: Ongoing

San Saba SH 16
General Contractor: CK Newberry

Scope of Work: Storm sewer improvements, small signs, concrete driveways.


Owner: TXDOT


Contract Amount:  $745,710


Location: San Saba, TX


Status: Ongoing

San Patricio SH 234
General Contractor: CK Newberry

Scope of Work: Storm sewer improvements, concrete driveways, concrete sidewalk and intersections, curb and gutter.


Owner: TXDOT


Contract Amount:  $663,654


Location: Odem, TX


Status: Ongoing

City of Del Rio Field of Dreams Pedestrian Bridge
General Contractor: STX Civil

Scope of Work: Sidewalk bridge.


Owner: City of Del Rio


Contract Amount:  $332,666


Location: Del Rio, TX


Status: Ongoing

Devil's River State Park
General Contractor: Spawglass

Scope of Work: Concrete paving, pads, foundations, sidewalks.


Owner: Texas Parks and Wildlife


Contract Amount:  $368,354


Location: Del Rio, TX


Status: Ongoing

Dewitt SH 72
General Contractor: Hunter Industries

Scope of Work: Storm sewer improvements.

Owner: TXDOT


Contract Amount:  $7,523,666


Location: Yorktown, TX


Status: Ongoing

La Salle CR
General Contractor: EZ-Bel

Scope of Work: Precast and cast in place box culvert bridges.


Owner: TXDOT


Contract Amount:  $ 503,947


Location: Cotulla, TX


Status: Ongoing

Lavaca UA 90
General Contractor: EZ-Bel

Scope of Work: Storm sewer improvements, concrete riprap.


Owner: TXDOT


Contract Amount:  $ 694,294


Location: Halletsville, TX


Status: Ongoing

Howard FM 2599
General Contractor: RK Hall

Scope of Work: Storm sewer improvements, concrete riprap.


Owner: TXDOT


Contract Amount:  $ 408,069


Location: Big Spring, TX


Status: Completed

Dewitt FM 108
General Contractor: Hunter Industries

Scope of Work: Storm sewer improvements, concrete riprap, stone riprap.


Owner: TXDOT


Contract Amount:  $ 1,230,460


Location: Yorktown, TX


Status: Completed

Goliad SH 239
General Contractor: Hunter Industries

Scope of Work: Metal beam guardrail installation, concrete riprap, culvert cleaning.


Owner: TXDOT


Contract Amount:  $ 257,590


Location: Goliad, TX


Status: Completed

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